Thursday, May 28, 2009

N Korea spin

For a few years now, I considered myself a fairly avid online reader of news (esp. on the Korean pennisula) and had been pretty satisfied with it—taking it all with a grain of salt. But today I must say that the tilt of the titles of my two main sources threw me for a badas$ brain loop Wednesday morning.

from the New York Times:

full article

from the Wall Street Journal:

unfortunately, I just tried to find the article and got hijacked to a subscription window
to view the article now, so you'll have to trust me that this is an actual screen shot.
Nice touch though with the "N." whether it was intentional or not, it reminded me that
Korea was just Korea before the N. & S. and Corea before that!

inflammatory vs. what I thought journalism is all about...

I can only assume that most do not have time to read every article let alone more than 2 sources and it's the title that sticks. I suppose the war mongers have got their tentacles widespread...

I do hope to see a reunified Korea and I don't think that I'm alone.

ps. here's a third

from Yahoo news:

thanks NiCi for the yahoo link and inspiring me to "put it out there"..

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